Real Estate [re-sales]
@ Bargara Headlands Estate
Real Estate @ Headlands is dedicated to advertising blocks of land for sale or homes that come back on the market in Bargara Headlands Estate.
While we still sell the newly developed blocks at Bargara Headlands Estate we understand that sometimes there will be those who wish to re-sell their property and so we wanted to differentiate that and offer a new brand for this type of real estate.
Hi I'm Grant, but some of you may also know me as Molly. I have sold most of the blocks in Headlands to date and will continue to do that going forwards. I just wanted to have a place where I can offer my services to anyone thinking of selling their properties here.
Grant (Molly) Davies
Mob: 0419 818 315
Bargara Headlands Estate
Headlands is built on the following pillars:
At Bargara Headlands Estate, Community means more to us than just homes next to each other. It means a sense of belonging; a sharing of similar values and appreciating similar things. Things like serenity, safety, a desire to get along and care about important things. That is why we have devoted almost all the coastline to the Community rather than letting a few people own it. There are lots of places for the community to meet with each other and enjoy our natural coastal beauty.
The Bargara Headlands Estate boasts real connectivity with the ocean being situated right on the coast. You can hear the ocean from all blocks and see the ocean from many. You will easily and safely be able to walk, ride or run to the foreshore without crossing busy roads. We will have NBN Fibre to the Premises - Fast, Reliable Internet Connection for every block. This will be the fastest and most efficient internet in Bargara and allow for real connectivity to the wider world.....from home.
The oceanfront land has been given to the community instead of being blocked by houses. We have planted thousands of local species trees, scrubs, reeds and grasses. Both Bundaberg and Gin Gin Land Care groups have supplied Bargara Headlands Estate with local natives. Our road lighting is P5 or better which means is meets Turtle Light standards to reduce the overall light spill to reduce the risk to the turtles that nest on the beach at Bargara Headlands Estate.
Take a look at the listings I have and if you are interested please don't hesitate to give me a call on 0419818315 or use the contact form.
Contact List:
Leave me your name and email and I will let you know if anything new comes on the market @ Headlands